

Choosing new hardwood flooring for your home is an exciting step in the home renovation process. It's possible that you have already made important decisions about the species, size, or finish of your wood flooring. Now it's time to start talking design. Consider the angles if you want to add a little more wow to your wood flooring. These are four floor examples that don't follow the traditional straight and narrow. They create unexpected drama by refusing to follow these rules. DIAGONALWOOD FLOORS MAKE IT EASY TO CHOOSE A DIFFERENT ANGLE A series of angles are used to create a consistent "V-shaped" pattern in the chevron design. The "V" pattern is then repeated to create a striking 3D effect. It can make smaller rooms appear larger and it is also very durable due to its strong structural integrity. The chevron wood floor design is a beautiful and simple choice for those who want to make a statement. HERRINGBONE WOOD FLOORS ZIG WHILE OTHERS ZAG Herringbo

Exotic Hardwood Species

Now that we've examined the various attributes and qualities of some of the most popular domestic wood flooring species, it's time to see the look and feel you can give to your home, with exotic hardwood flooring. Generally, choosing between domestic and exotic hardwood species can be a challenging decision and in order to identify which one will work best with your overall decoration scheme, is vital to compare them.  Why choose exotic hardwood species? Exotic hardwood species are popular for their unusual grain patterns and unique color variations that display from board to board. Even though they cost more, they will amaze you with their extremely unique appearance. Additionally, they are much harder than domestic wood species according to Janka hardness scale (hence more durable) and ideal for creating any setting, whether that is elegant, contemporary or formal. To find out more about the various qualities and characteristics, that some of the best-selling exotic hardwood